SPM is your Magazine - You Are Both Reader and Author: Contribute to IEEE Signal Processing Magazine

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SPM is your Magazine - You Are Both Reader and Author: Contribute to IEEE Signal Processing Magazine

Christian Jutten

The objectives of IEEE Signal Processing Magazine ( SPM ) are to propose, for any IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) member and beyond, a wide range of tutorial articles on both methods and applications in signal and image processing. The articles are divided into different categories: feature articles, column and forum articles, and articles in special issues, the specificities of which are detailed on the SPM webpage “Information for Authors - SPM”.

In short, a tutorial article must present a systematic introduction of fundamental theories, common practices, and applications in a well-defined, reasonably matured, or emerging area, preferably an area that is of interest to readers from multiple fields in signal and image processing. A tutorial article, either a feature article or an article in a special issue of SPM, should cover the history, the state of the art, and the future directions of the topic and include a limited and relevant selection of references—instead of an exhaustive list. A tutorial article is not suited to present new results, to cover only the author’s own work, or to present a narrow and biased view of a domain.

A special issue comprises multiple, interrelated tutorials that provide a comprehensive coverage of a specific topic of interest to the signal processing community. It is proposed and managed—if the proposal is accepted—by a team of guest editors, and its first step is an open Call for Papers.

A feature article is a tutorial paper submitted by prospective authors without responding to the call for papers that is done for special issues. Accepted feature articles are published whenever the review process is completed and the magazine has adequate page capacity, without using a fixed special issue structure.


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