Member Nomination

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Signal Processing Theory and Methods

Technical Committee

New Member Nomination

SPTM-TC welcomes new members, but the size of the TC is restricted to 40.  In our annual election process, typically 1/3rd of the membership rotates (about 13 members), and we aim to have a slate of candidates larger than twice the number of available slots. If you would like to be considered, check the membership responsibilities listed below, complete the nomination form, and find a nominator among the existing members who can write an endorsing statement on the form and submit it to the TC Chair. Members are expected to perform the following tasks (aspiring members are also expected to participate in ICASSP reviews prior to their election):

  • Perform ICASSP reviews each year (20-30 papers usually for the TC).
  • Assist in the review of papers submitted to SSP.
  • Participate in face-to-face meetings at ICASSP, if feasible.
  • Participate in email meetings.
  • Participate in various nomination and voting processes (TC membership elections, IEEE-SPS Distinguished Lecturers, IEEE-SPS Awards, Associate Editors for IEEE-SPS Publications, etc).
  • TC members are encouraged to organize SSP workshops, edit special issues and organize special sessions at IEEE-SPS conferences on SPTM related topics.
  • Standard membership term: 3 years. Eligible for a second 3-year term if reelected through the regular election process.
  • An SPTM TC member must be a current member of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS).

Download and complete a New Member Nomination Form.

The nominator must submit the completed form to the SPTM TC Chair by mid-September for membership starting the following year.


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