Video of the month: Cordless One-Legged Hopping Robot by Disney

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Video of the month: Cordless One-Legged Hopping Robot by Disney

Researchers from Disney Research have built a cordless one-legged hopping robot that can bounce up to 7 seconds/19 times without falling over. They employed a linear elastic actuator in parallel (LEAP), which placed a voice coil actuator (VCA) in parallel with compression springs, to act as the primary weight-bearing actuator for the one-legged hopping robot. This is the first untethered one-legged hopper that can achieve continuous hopping without using offboard power. Please visit the publication page for more details.


Untethered One-Legged Hopping in 3D Using Linear Elastic Actuator in Parallel (LEAP).

Courtesy of Disney Research.

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