SPS Wins IEEE Educational Activities Board Society/Council Professional Development Award!

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

SPS Wins IEEE Educational Activities Board Society/Council Professional Development Award!

The IEEE Signal Processing Society was recently awarded the IEEE Educational Activities Board Society/Council Professional Development Award! The award citation states, “for innovative educational and professional development programs that engage professionals, students and the general public in signal processing,” will be presented during the IEEE Meeting Series in New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA later this month. SPS President Rabab Ward will accept the award on behalf of the Society.

The IEEE Educational Activities Board Society/Council Professional Development Award recognizes IEEE societies and councils for “major contributions to professional development of its members through outstanding products, services, and support in the areas of life-long learning, continuing education, and professional development.” Over the past few years, especially, SPS has made significant strides in these areas with the development of SigPort and the brand-new SPS Resource Center, as well as expanded offerings to our Student, Graduate Student, and young professional members.

A special thank you to the dedicated volunteers who have lent their time to the success of these programs!

More information about the award can be accessed on the IEEE website.

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