Post-doctoral and Senior Researcher Positions, Intel-NTU Connected Context Computing Center, Taiwan Region

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Post-doctoral and Senior Researcher Positions, Intel-NTU Connected Context Computing Center, Taiwan Region

Intel-NTU Connected Context Computing Center is a world-class research center sponsored by Intel Corporation, National Science Council, Taiwan Region and National Taiwan University. We are now opening 8 post-doctoral and 4 senior researcher positions to candidates specialized in Machine-to-Machine technology,

with a special interest in any of the following fields:

  • Smart Sensing and Applications (SSA): Computer Vision/Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion/Integration, Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing, Wireless Sensor Networks, Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • Context Analysis and Management (CAM): data mining/machine learning for context analysis, embedded system programming, hardware prototyping, cryptography and cryptanalysis, programming language design/implementation
  • Autonomous Reconfigurable Connectivity (ARC): M2M networking & implementations, vehicular networking and wireless communications, cognitive radio and dynamic spectrum access, data/information fusion/analysis, statistical signal processing, communication and information theory.
  • Green Sensing Platform (GSP): Video coding/analysis/communication, DSP and
  • communication, distributed/parallel architecture, FPGA/IC design flow, low-power digital/analog circuit design, computer graphics

All positions require a Ph.D degree in electrical engineering, computer science, or related areas. Those interested can apply by sending a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and two references with both postal and e-mail addresses to Prof. Shey-Shi Lu, Associate Director— Intel-NTU Connected Context Computing Center, BL-7C, No.1, Section4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei 10617, Taiwan Region (e-mail: Review of applications will continue until all positions are filled. For more information about the center, please visit our website: .

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