Engineering Signals and Systems (2012)

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Engineering Signals and Systems (2012)

by Fawwaz Ulaby and Andrew Yagle, NTS Press, 2012.

Publisher's description: This book aims to present engineering applications in an integrated way with the theory. Except for the introductory first two chapters, odd-numbered chapters present theory and even-numbered chapters present applications of the material just seen. The applications include: spring-mass-damper automobile suspension systems, s-domain circuit analysis, biomechanical model of a human sitting on a chair on a moving vehicle, oven temperature control, motor system control, inverted pendulum control, removal of interfering noise from a trumpet signal, comb filter to separate two trumpets playing different notes, resonator filter for noise removal, among others.

The book also includes a CD with software for all the examples, so that students can replicate the simulations with different parameters.

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