2016 IEEE Technical Field Award Recipients Announced / 2015 IEEE Honors Ceremony

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

2016 IEEE Technical Field Award Recipients Announced / 2015 IEEE Honors Ceremony

2016 IEEE Technical Field Award Recipients Announced

The IEEE Board of Directors has approved the 2016 IEEE Technical Field Award and 2015 IEEE Eric Herz Outstanding Staff Member Award recipients. The complete list of recipients and their citations is online at www.ieee.org/awards. Please feel free to send your notes of congratulations and to publicize the recipients within your other IEEE and professional affiliations.

The 2015 IEEE Honors Ceremony was a Memorable Event!

Visit the IEEE Awards Channel to hear about the remarkable achievements of award recipients across all of IEEE’s fields of interest who received gold medals at the 2015 IEEE Honors Ceremony on 20 June at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York, NY.

Mildred Dresselhaus is the first woman to receive the IEEE Medal of Honor--IEEE's highest award. Thirteen IEEE Presidents also attended the ceremony--an event in and of itself!

The IEEE Awards Facebook and the IEEE Awards Twitter are up and running. Feel free to take a look and Like/Follow the pages!

Download the 2015 IEEE Awards Booklet listing all 2015 IEEE Medal, Recognition, and Technical Field Award recipients.


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