Call for Proposals: IEEE MMSP 2020

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Call for Proposals: IEEE MMSP 2020

The Multimedia Signal Processing Technical Committee (MMSP-TC) of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, which is the organizer of the MMSP workshop, invites proposals for the 2020 workshop edition. The primary aim of the MMSP workshop is to promote the advancement of multimedia signal processing research and technology with special emphasis on the interaction, coordination, synchronization, and joint processing of multimodal signals.

Proposals are open to all regions, but to keep with the practice of regional rotation, preference will be given to proposals from Europe. The proponents should first send an intention letter prior to the proposal submission, and then submit their proposal electronically to the MMSP-TC Chair, Dr Frédéric Dufaux (, by the deadlines indicated below. The proponents of the finalist proposals will be invited to present their bid at IEEE ICASSP in May 2019 (in Brighton, UK).

Prospective bidding teams should contact the MMSP-TC Chair, Dr Frédéric Dufaux (, in order to obtain details about the content and the format of the proposals. 

Timetable for Proposal Submission and Evaluation:

  • Intention letter of proponents to the TC Chair: November 1st, 2018
  • Proposal submission deadline: February 15th, 2019
  • Presentation of finalist proposals at IEEE ICASSP 2019, May 12-17, in Brighton, UK
  • Notification of decision to proponents: June 15th, 2019


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