Search for New Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering

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Search for New Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering

IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering (TQE) publishes regular, review, and tutorial articles based on the   engineering applications of quantum phenomena, including QUANTUM SIGNAL PROCESSING, quantum computation, information, communication, software, hardware, devices, and metrology. TQE is an all-electronic, open-access journal, published continuously. It is in its second year of publication.

The TQE Steering Committee is conducting a search for the next Editor-in-Chief (EIC) to start in January 2022 with TQE an initial three-year appointment and one possible re-appointment. The qualified candidate should have a doctorate in engineering, physics, materials science, or a related area; at least five years of editorial experience; broad interest in quantum phenomena; an established network in the quantum engineering community; and project-management skills.

The Editor-in-Chief manages the operations of the journal with the help of an editorial assistant, helps recruit Associate Editors and members of the Advisory Board, examines incoming manuscripts for originality and scope, assigns them to associate editors to manage the reviews, and shapes and leads the journal. It is an unpaid, volunteer position. The EIC must be a member of the IEEE. The new Editor-in-Chief will have the full support of the outgoing EIC and the journal’s Steering Committee.

To apply, please submit a brief resume and letter outlining your qualifications and position statement to the Steering Committee chair, Elie Track. The current EIC, Britton Plourde, is available to answer questions.

Applications will be considered until December 1, 2021. 


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