SPS IFS TC Webinar: 13 July 2022, by Dr. Martino Jerian

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SPS IFS TC Webinar: 13 July 2022, by Dr. Martino Jerian

(Organized by the IEEE SPS Information Forensics and Security Technical Committee (IFS TC))

Title: A Tour in the Real-World Challenges Faced by Law Enforcement Agencies When Dealing With Images and Videos
Date: 13 July 2022
Time: 4:00 PM (Amsterdam, The Netherlands time) Your local time | Add to calendar
Duration: Approximately 1 Hour
Presenters: Dr. Martino Jerian


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About the topic:

Multimedia contents are deeply intertwined with our lives, and, as a consequence, they've become an invaluable asset also for investigative and evidentiary use. 
However, there are still numerous open challenges for law enforcement agencies when it comes to acquire, authenticate, enhance, and analyze images and videos for forensic use. 
This webinar presents some of these challenges faced on a daily basis by law enforcement operators and reveals some trends in their demand for new technologies. 
It will also present some of the typical pitfalls to which less-trained officers are exposed when dealing with images and videos for their investigations.

About the presenter:

Martino Jerian

Martino Jerian is the CEO and Founder of Amped Software, widely recognized as the leading company for image and video forensics for public safety and national security, with customers in 100 counties worldwide. He graduated in Electronic Engineering at the University of Trieste (Italy) in 2005 (summa cum laude) with a thesis on forensic image processing.

In 2008, he founded Amped Software and has extensive software engineering and designing experience, and starting the development of the Amped Software products. He teaches as a contract professor in a few university courses related to investigations, forensics, and intelligence. He has published several scientific papers related to image and video forensics and has also worked as a forensic expert in major judiciary cases.

His current activities are mainly focused around the improvement of the relationship between science and justice during forensic investigations, the need for proper education and training on image and video analysis, and creating awareness on the challenges related to the proper use of video evidence, especially in relation to cybersecurity and artificial intelligence.


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