Deep Noise Suppression Challenge: ICASSP 2022

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Deep Noise Suppression Challenge: ICASSP 2022


Associated SPS Event: IEEE ICASSP 2022 Grand Challenge

Noise suppression has become more important than ever before due to the increasing use of voice interfaces for various applications. Given the millions of internet-connected devices being employed for audio/video calls, noise suppression is expected to be effective for all noise types chosen from daily-life scenarios. The IEEE ICASSP 2022 Grand Challenge is the 4th DNS challenge intended to promote industry-academia collaboration on research in real-time noise suppression aimed to maximize the subjective (perceptual) quality of enhanced speech. This challenge will extend DNS efforts to full band speech with a special focus on personalized denoising. In the era of hybrid work, personalized denoising is very important to suppress neighboring speaker and/or background noises. Recently, DNS research has been moving fast, and researchers now have state-of-the-art advancements in deep neural networks (DNNs); currently, deep noise suppression methods leverage the convolutional, recurrent, or hybrid neural network for estimating the enhanced speech from noisy recordings.

Technical Committee: Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing, Speech and Language Processing


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