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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

TC News

The SPTM TC has elected 7 new members from 2012. The IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing 2011 (SSP2011) was successfully held in Nice France.

The DISPS TC has the mission "to promote and support activities of the IEEE Signal Processing Society in the areas of: i) Design, development and implementation of signal processing systems; ii) Design of algorithms with implementation in mind and iii) the Design of software tools and methodologies to support the design of signal processing systems".

We summarize some of the items MLSP TC has been working on during the past five months including our: upcoming MLSP workshop, upcoming Data Analysis Competition, recently elected/nominated/retiring MLSP members, upcoming MLSP TC meeting, and recent MLSP awards.

The Signal Processing for Communications and Networking Technical Committee (SPCOM TC) promotes activities addressing signal processing challenges in communications and networking.

It was with great regret and sadness that the Signal & Image Processing community learned about the sudden loss of TilAach.

The Industry DSP Technology Standing Committee (IDSP-SC) is now focusing on emerging signal processing applications and technologies from industry and practice perspectives.

The Industry DSP Technology Standing Committee (IDSP-SC) is now focusing on emerging signal processing applications and technologies from industry and practice perspectives.

The AASP TC had its second annual TC meeting on October 18, 2011, discussing subcommittee establishment for EDICS, ICASSP reviews, awards, news letter, fellow nomination, webpage, nominations and elections, and AASP Challenges, as well as the next WASPAA in 2013.

Beginning January 2012, several of the IEEE Signal Processing Society’s Technical Committees (TCs) have new Chairs taking leadership roles.

Links and more information about the 13 TCs in the Society can be found at this link.

The purpose of the Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing Technical Committee (IVMSP TC) is to promote and guide the advancement of the field of image, video, and multidimensional signal processing.



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