From the Editor

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From the Editor

A warm greeting to the signal processing community as I start my term as the editor-in-chief of IEEE Signal Processing Magazine ( SPM ). I hope to be worthy of the confidence invested in me and to be able to follow successfully in Christian Jutten’s footsteps.

My three years of service as the editor-in-chief (EIC) of Signal Processing Magazine ( SPM ) are now coming to a close. During the past three years, many of us were deeply affected by serious political, social, and environmental events such as the war in Ukraine; protests for freedom in Iran; coups d’état in Africa; the COVID-19 pandemic; seisms in Turkey, Syria, and Morocco; huge floods in Libya and India; gigantic fires in North America and Southern Europe; and an avalanche of stones in the Alps, to name a few. In such a context, I believe that the IEEE slogan, “Advancing Technology for Humanity,” is incredibly relevant and timely.

The objectives of IEEE Signal Processing Magazine ( SPM ) are to propose, for any IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) member and beyond, a wide range of tutorial articles on both methods and applications in signal and image processing. The articles are divided into different categories: feature articles, column and forum articles, and articles in special issues, the specificities of which are detailed on the SPM webpage “Information for Authors - SPM”.

The ICASSP 2023 conference in Rhodes, Greece, was remarkable from multiple perspectives. Notably, this was the first fully in-person ICASSP after three consecutive virtual conferences, which were necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Attendees fully embraced the opportunity to engage in live interactions and reestablish their networks.

The 75th anniversary of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) is an ideal time to look at the rapid advances in our field and the many ways that these increasingly powerful technologies have transformed our professions and the world. This is not just a time to celebrate past achievements and pat ourselves on the back, but also to educate young students and innovators about the history of our profession, the challenges we have overcome, and the breakthroughs that have led to the incredible growth of Signal Processing (SP).

Ethics in science is essential for various reasons and is a duty for scientists. The full sense of the word ethics may differ according to languages and countries. For instance, in France, we typically make a distinction between ethics and scientific integrity, while scientific integrity is a part of ethics in the United States.

As humans, we cannot be indifferent to the increasing number of dramatic events taking place in the world: fires, tornadoes, floods, and - recently - the collapse of a huge block of the Marmolada glacier in the Italian Alps. All are clear evidence to the global warming of the Earth.

The July issue of IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (SPM) is a special issue focused on “Explainability in Data Science: Interpretability, Reproducibility, and Replicability.” With increased enthusiasm for machine learning, it is a very timely topic, and I invite every IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) member to read these very instructive papers.

Twenty-five years ago, the field of computational imaging arguably did not exist, at least not as a standalone arena of research activity and technical development. Of course, the idea of using computation to form images had been around for several decades, largely thanks to the development of medical imaging—such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and X-ray tomography - in the 1970s and synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) even earlier. 

In this article, we summarize the evolution of speech and language processing (SLP) in the past 25 years. We first provide a snapshot of popular research topics and the associated state of the art (SOTA) in various subfields of SLP 25 years ago, and then highlight the shift in research topics over the years. We describe the major breakthroughs in each of the subfields and the main driving forces that led us to the SOTA today. Societal impacts and potential future directions are also discussed.


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  • ONE MONTH OUT! We are celebrating the inaugural SPS Day on 2 June, honoring the date the Society was established in…
  • The new SPS Scholarship Program welcomes applications from students interested in pursuing signal processing educat…
  • CALL FOR PAPERS: The IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing is now seeking submissions for a Special…
  • Test your knowledge of signal processing history with our April trivia! Our 75th anniversary celebration continues:…

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